Security Police Mission on a Holy Night: -Guard the Party Venue-
1: Ceremonial Guard (1)Suzuka: Sorry to keep you waiting, Inago-san, Iwakura-san, Asakura-san, Musumi-san, Inami-san.
Suzuka: On Christmas, we'll have you assigned to security duty for a party the Five Traditions are hosting.
Suu: ...
Suu: (I ended up on a mission with some delinquent... Somebody, swap with me!!)
Mihono: It's been a while since we got a mission together, huh, Akira-san!
Akira: Definitely. I'm gonna be looking to see how much you've grown.
Mihono: Sure thing!
Kiyoka: (Hono-chan looks like she's enjoying this... There's some things I want to go over with her, but... I think I'll save it for later.)
Kiyoka: I'm looking forward to working with you, Sanae-san.
Sanae: Mm, I'm looking forward to working with you too, Musumi-san.
Suu: (Come to think of it, Kiyoka-san and Iwakura-san are from Heijou... So then, since Hokuto-san's from Heijou too, why didn't they pick her instead of me?)
Mihono: You look like something's bothering you, Inami-san? Did you get a tummyache?
Suu: Ah, I'm fine. Just thinking about something...
Akira: Nn? And you're...
Suu: I'm just your average a little bit weaker than most toji you could find anywhere; don't mind me!
Mihono: Uwah!? What're you shouting for all of a sudden, Inami-san?
Akira: Inami, huh. What's your first name?
Suu: It's Suu... But, um, you don't have to go out of your way to remember it or anything...
Akira: You don't have to be such a downer; we're on the same team together! Glad to have ya, Suu.
Suu: (She remembered my nameeeeeeeeeeeeee!!)
Suu: Um... Mihono-san... About Inago-san, is she... a delinquent?
Mihono: No way! There's some people who call her Boss, but Akira-san just likes dressing like that.
Suu: Boss!?
Akira: Nn? You gonna call me that too? It's got a good ring to it, "Boss." Bring it on.
Suu: It fits you way too well so I'll have to pass!
Akira: Oh, huh.
Suzuka: It doesn't seem you'll have trouble with teamwork. With that settled, I'll leave the rest to you.
Sanae: Could I ask one question, Konohana-san? Who will be the leader of this group?
Suzuka: I wasn't given instructions on that. Please decide that amongst yourselves and report back.
2: Ceremonial Guard (2)Kiyoka: Hono-chan, I wanted to talk to you about... Oh, she's not here?
Kanami: Huh, Musumi-san? If you're looking for Mihono-chan, as soon as school was over, she ran off somewhere. Did you need her for something?
Kiyoka: Mm-mm, it's alright. Thanks for letting me know, Etou-san.
Kiyoka: (I wonder where Hono-chan could have gone?)
Sanae: Asakura-san's gone too?
Kiyoka: The way you said that, does that mean...
Sanae: Yeah. Inago-san and Inami-san don't seem to be around either.
Kiyoka: ...
Sanae: I'm not sure where Inago-san and the others went to, but I don't think those three will get into any trouble, so let's wait a bit and see.
Kiyoka: ...Okay.
Several days later.
Sanae: So those three went off somewhere again today...
Kiyoka: ...They did. What should we do?
Sanae: I don't think we can exactly do nothing at this point. Let's go looking for them.
Kiyoka: ...Alright.
3: Ceremonial Guard (3)Akira: ORAAA!! C'mon, what's the matter! Is that all you've got, Mihono! Suu!
Mihono: I can still do more! Let me go one more time, Akira-san!
Akira: Bring it on! C'mere, Mihono! Suu!
Suu: I'd like to take a breakkkkk!
Mihono: Let's try staggering our attacks this time, Inami-san!
Suu: Listen to what I'm sayingggg!
Sanae: They're doing practice training with Inago-san as an assailant... Asakura-san and Inami-san both look all beat up.
Kiyoka: (Hono-chan's trying really hard out there...)
Kiyoka: ...I feel embarrassed.
Sanae: Eh?
Kiyoka: When Hono-chan's been working that hard... I haven't been doing anything... It sort of makes me really embarrassed.
Sanae: ...I get what you mean. Let's try hard enough that it'll surprise them too.
4: Ceremonial Guard (4)Sanae: Yes, the traffic conditions on Christmas... That's right, if you could get it for the last five years or so.
Kiyoka: (Drawing up plans for the day of... predicting the traffic conditions, securing travel routes, identifying places that could likely be blind spots...)
Kiyoka: Phew, there's so much to take care of, isn't there.
Sanae: ...Yeah; it might be a little too much for just the two of us after all.
Suu: We'll help you out with that!
Sanae: Inami-san, Inago-san, Asakura-san? Weren't you out training...?
Suu: We heard people saying you two had been looking for us, so we hurried over!
Suu: We weren't at all thinking anything like, yay, a break from how harsh Inago-san is or anything!?
Akira: Geez, look at the nerve she's got.
Mihono: Ahaha, sorry, Kiyoka. We weren't doing anything besides training... You had to do everything else for us, didn't you.
Akira: Nah, I'm the one to blame here.
Akira: I asked these two to cover me so I wouldn't show up late on Christmas. And, as a tradeoff, I was helping them with training.
Akira: I figured we'd be fine since Sanae's the leader, so I ended up leaving everything to you.
Sanae: Eh? Aren't you the leader, Inago-san?
Akira: What're you talking about? Any way you look at it, it's gotta be you. I'm not really the leader type.
Sanae: ...Alright then. I'll give it my best shot.
Akira: That's that; anybody against it?
Everyone: Nope!
5: Ceremonial Guard (5)Mihono: Ahh... It's cold!
Suu: With how cold it is, I'm scared of getting hurt, so maybe we could cancel training...?
Kiyoka: Ahaha, I don't think that's going to happen... Oh? Hono-chan, there's a hole in your glove?
Mihono: I know, Kiyoka~. Akira-san's training was so rough that it got torn up~.
Kiyoka: (It's almost Christmas, so I could get Hono-chan a present...)
Kiyoka: ......Ah!
Mihono: Did you think of something, Kiyoka?
Kiyoka: Our security mission is on Christmas, right? So, when we're finished, we could celebrate that and have a Christmas party...
Mihono: That'd totally be fun! Nice idea, Kiyoka!
Suu: And, you know, if I have a Christmas party to look forward to, I feel like I can try harder with Inago-san's training... maybe?
Kiyoka: Alright then! Let's go pass the idea on to the others!
On a day off.
Mihono: So anyway, we're here to buy presents for the present exchange-!
Kiyoka/Suu: [clap clap clap]~!
Mihono: I'm glad Akira-san and Iwakura-san both said they're excited to do it. Did you two already decide on what you're buying?
Suu: I actually have two things in mind... Garden or Hell Angel Marvelous-chan; which one do you think I should try and make more fans of!?
Mihono: Wh-Which one... What are you gonna do if they go to Akira-san?
Suu: If Inago-san got those...
Suu: ......
Suu: Ah...... I think, I might die... I'll buy something safe, like aroma oil...
Mihono: Aroma oil, huh. Then, I'll get...
Cake Shop: We're accepting reservations for Christmas cakes here-.
Mihono: Christmas cakes... All creamy... Okay, I'll go with moisturizer cream!
Kiyoka: Ahaha, only you would make up your mind like that, Hono-chan. For mine... Since it's Christmas, I think I'll get a snowglobe.
Mihono: Then, let's all split up and buy our stuff!
Shopkeeper: Thank you very much~.
Kiyoka: Okay, I got a cute one. All that's left is...
Kiyoka: (Gloves for Hono-chan! I'll sneak over and buy her some!)
Kiyoka: (Fufu, how happy will Hono-chan be when she gets them?)
6: Ceremonial Guard (6)Sanae: Inago-san and the others sure are late...
Kiyoka: They are...
Kiyoka: I got a message from Hono-chan saying they were on their way a long time ago too...
Mihono: Kiyoka-! Iwakura-saaan! S-Sorry we're late-!
Akira: Phew, we just barely made it in time!
Suu: Th-That was close...
Sanae: Did you run into trouble?
Akira: Nah, nothing like that happened today, so it's all good. It's cause I had Mihono and Suu with me.
Mihono: Eh!?
Mihono: (All that stuff happened, and she doesn't call that trouble...?)
Suu: (I'm never going to wake Inago-san up, no way!)
Sanae: ...So anyway, let's split into two teams like we planned and start our guard duty!
Mihono: Hey, Kiyoka, Inami-san.
Kiyoka: What is it?
Mihono: The person who just went in, I feel like I've seen them somewhere before... Do you know who that is?
Suu: Aren't they some politician?
Kiyoka: I'm not all that familiar either, but I'm pretty sure they're... a high ranking government official.
Mihono: Ah, it's Friedman-san!
Mihono: ...He walked right by.
Kiyoka: It's understandable; he probably doesn't have time to stop and chat with us.
Suu: ...The party should be starting around now.
7: Ceremonial Guard (7)Operator: ...a suspicious person has been sighted. Please head there at once.
Security Officer: Understood.
Mihono: Ever since the party started, there's reports of suspicious people one after another.
Kiyoka: With all these important people here, it's bound to happen.
Mihono: Is it okay for us to not be doing anything about it?
Kiyoka: The security officers will deal with anyone suspicious. Our job is just to take care of if aradama appear.
Suu: Ehh!? Then, that training we did, and our special training... There wasn't any point to Inago-san hazing us, was there!?
Kiyoka: That's not true! If we have to go fight an aradama, that special training will be worth it!
Operator: An appearance of aradama has been confirmed in the area of the academy. Will Iwakura team please head to suppress it at once.
Mihono: There's aradama!
Sanae: Musumi-san, Asakura-san, Inami-san. The place where the aradama appeared is closer to you three! I need you to suppress it!
All Three: Right!
Mihono: Uwah--!? There's so many cars here!!
Suu: It'll be tough making it down this road.
Kiyoka: It's alright! I made sure to look things up for times like this!
Kiyoka: Hono-chan, Inami-san! Over here!
Mihono: Ah, there's not a lot of traffic this way!
Kiyoka: While you three were training hard, I was preparing as best I could too!
Mihono: Nice going, Kiyoka!
Kiyoka: ...There it is!
Mihono: Inami-san, let's do it just like we trained!
Suu: Sure! Mihono-san!
Aradama: GYAA...
Kiyoka: Hono-chan, Inami-san, that was great! You were perfectly coordinated!
Mihono: Eheh! That's the combo that worked on Akira-san, after all!
Mihono: Let's keep it up like this!
8: Ceremonial Guard (8)Sanae: Now then... Great work on our guard duty! Let's start our celebration and Christmas party!
Akira: Cool, it's time to swap presents! I got a special one ready, so look forward to it.
Mihono: I did my best to get something nice too, Akira-san!
Sanae: It's exciting waiting to see whose present you'll get, isn't it?
Kiyoka: It really is!
Sanae: Okay, now why don't we open the presents we're all holding?
Akira: Mine's... Aroma oil?
Suu: Ah, that's the present I picked out!
Akira: Huh, thanks, Suu!
Suu: (That was close... Thank god I didn't go with fan merch!)
Suu: Mine's moisturizer cream, so... Wasn't that from Mihono-san?
Mihono: I made sure to get some that smelled good! I'll open mine next! Oh, it's a handkerchief!
Sanae: Ah, that's the present I chose. I tried to go with something that wouldn't trouble anybody...
Mihono: It's really cute, Iwakura-san!
Sanae: Thank goodness. My one is... It's a snowglobe. How adorable... Was this from you, Musumi-san?
Kiyoka: Yep. Since it's Christmas and all, I went with a snowglobe.
Akira: So, that means Kiyoka must've got mine. Go and open it.
Kiyoka: Okay. This is... a helmet?
Akira: Sure! I'll give you a ride later on, after I can!
Mihono: You're so lucky, Kiyoka! Akira-san, you have to let me ride with you too!
Akira: Course I will!
Mihono: Cool!
Kiyoka: ...Hono-chan.
Mihono: Huh? What is it, Kiyoka?
Kiyoka: ...Could we talk outside for a minute?
Mihono: Ughh, it's cold! What'd you need to bring me out here for, Kiyoka?
Kiyoka: ...Here's a present for you, Hono-chan. They're new gloves. I'd be glad if you used them.
Mihono: Thanks, Kiyoka! You know... I got a present for you too!
Kiyoka: Eh!? This is... a bookmark?
Mihono: I know you like books, so. Though, I was worried this one was a little too cheap.
Kiyoka: I don't think it's cheap at all. I'm very happy with it... Thank you, Hono-chan!
Kiyoka: This turned out to be a really nice Christmas!