Toji Edo Detective Story
1: Shidou Maki's Right Hand ManWatanuki Kazumi: Continuing on, there have been reports of damage caused by aradama. For reasons unknown, the film set of a historical drama has frequently come under attack.
Maki: If this report made it all the way to me, that must mean standard attempts at stopping them haven't worked.
Kazumi: Yes, it's just as you've guessed, Maki-sama. Several days ago, the toji responsible for the area reported that they had finished suppressing the aradama.
Kazumi: However, aradama have been sighted at that film studio several times after.
Maki: ...And they can't get any filming done like that, can they.
Kazumi: The studio is in the middle of filming a drama about the Shinsengumi, and doesn't wish to suspend shooting any longer than necessary. They have requested we eliminate all of the aradama.
Maki: It's possible some might have escaped the first time, but maybe there's some underlying reason they came back?
Maki: Though it won't do any good to worry about it here. I'll head to that film studio myself.
Maki: And I'd like your assistance. Come with me.
Kazumi: Whatever you face, wherever you go, I would join you, Maki-sama.
Maki: You love to exagerrate, don't you, Kazumi.
Maki: Oh. One more thing. I'd also like to bring a few inexperienced toji with us. Can I ask you to handle selecting them?
Kazumi: That won't be an issue, though... It may cause us trouble carrying out our mission.
Maki: It doesn't matter. What's important is they have a chance to improve. They may have some difficulties, but the two of us should be able to take care of them, shouldn't we?
Kazumi: ...Yes!
Kazumi: (Without fail... I'll do what it takes to meet Maki-sama's expectations.)
Maki: Preparing the next generation is one of our most important responsibilities, you know.
Kazumi: Then, I'll find several candidates and call them here. Please give me some time.
Kazumi: From talking to the studio's supervisor and director, aradama were seen around this lot again today.
Kazumi: They said they can avoid filming on this set for the time being, but the film crew is still feeling concerned.
Maki: I'll bet... I'd prefer if they stopped filming altogether until things have settled with the aradama here.
Novice Toji A: M-My spectrum finder is picking up a few signals! ...They're close by!
Maki: Already showing themselves then.
Maki: We're going into combat. Stick close to me. However, don't do anything you don't feel safe with.
Maki: HAAAH-!
Aradama: ......
Novice Toji B: Wow... They all went down, before I could blink.
Novice Toji C: That's just how strong Shidou-senpai is!
Maki: Did they drop something just now?
Kazumi: Koban, it seems. More than likely a prop used in the filming here. [Koban are the golden oval coins used in feudal Japan]
Maki: Just to be safe, I'll bring these back with us.
Kazumi: Then, I will guide the other girls through recovering the noro.
Maki: Of course, thanks.
Maki: It would be great if that's the end of them, but it can't be that easy.
2: Unexpected Reinforcements?Kazumi: Maki-sama, I'm picking up aradama in this direction.
Maki: Everyone, prepare to fight.
Maki: Don't get careless, but if you do like you did in training, destroying aradama isn't that difficult.
Novice Toji D: Sh-Shidou-senpai...!? Some toji are already engaging the aradama!?
Maki: That's...
Sayaka: ...Kofuki.
Kofuki: Yeah, just leave it to me! Show me a good time, aradama-chan!
Aradama: ......
Kofuki: Heheh... And another one done!
Sayaka: More koban came out.
Kofuki: Beats me why. But who cares; let's go looking for the next aradama-chan.
Kazumi: You two, the toji from Renpu... Just what do you think you're doing?
Kofuki: Huh? We're toji, duh. Can't you figure the rest out?
Sayaka: Kofuki, you shouldn't talk to people like that. We're defeating the aradama.
Kazumi: That isn't what I meant--
Maki: Kazumi. First, that noro needs to be secured. Go ahead with the preparations. I'll question these two.
Kazumi: Understood. I'll recover it straight away then.
Mirja: I came because I detected the aradama, but it seems you've safely brought them down.
Maki: You're here too, Kitora Mirja...? Could I get you to explain why you're all here?
Sayaka: Tsugumi asked us to come here and defeat the strange aradama.
Kofuki: As soon as she finds out about some aradama acting funny, she starts asking for data.
Maki: Ban Tsugumi. The toji attached to the aradama research team. If aradama are being suppressed, she would want a report on it. And you?
Mirja: I was off duty today, so I came to see a sword exhibit which had opened at a nearby museum.
Mirja: Afterwards, I stopped by this film studio, and that was when I detected the aradama.
Maki: I see. I understand your circumstances now.
Kazumi: Then, Maki-sama, what should we do about these three?
Kofuki: "Maki-sama"?
Maki: First, you two from Renpu. You helped us out by defeating the aradama, but you'll create problems acting on your own like that. You're going to be following our instructions now.
Sayaka: Understood.
Kofuki: ...If you say so.
Mirja: I can help too, Shidou Maki. I may be off duty, but I still have a responsibility when aradama are involved.
Maki: Good. In that case, you can manage those two. I'm sure you've been on plenty of missions together, with the investigation team. I'll leave a few from our unit with you too.
Maki: I'll be counting on you when our unit needs to coordinate with yours.
Mirja: I understand; that should be for the best. Itomi Sayaka, Shichinosato Kofuki, I look forward to working with you.
Kofuki: Course, same here.
Sayaka: You look happy, Kofuki.
Kofuki: Don't know what you're talking about. Let's get going already.
Mirja: Wait until we all leave, Shichinosato Kofuki.
3: How Toji Fight and GrowNovice Toji A: ...W-We're going to fight that aradama, aren't we.
Novice Toji C: It's kind of scary...
Kazumi: It's natural to feel uneasy. Even so, you are toji. You mustn't forget that.
Maki: This is the largest of any we've defeated today. Alright, let me handle that one myself.
Kazumi: Maki-sama... You'll fight it alone?
Maki: That way, I can take care of it without putting them in danger. I need you to take care of the other smaller aradama for me, Kazumi.
Maki: Handling all of them at once would be too much for me.
Kazumi: Understood. I can't allow you to be in danger either, Maki-sama.
Maki: Right, that's why I'm glad you're with me. The rest of you, follow Kazumi's directions as you suppress the aradama.
Two Novice Toji: ...U-Understood!
Maki: ...Hmph! Time to finish this.
Novice Toji C: Amazing... Shidou-senpai, she beat an aradama that big with one swing...
Novice Toji C: ...Eh!?
Kazumi: You don't have the luxury of looking away. Focus on the aradama before you.
Novice Toji C: R-Right! Thank you, Watanuki-senpai...!
Novice Toji A: ...TAAAH-!
Maki: You're doing great. If you keep up the effort, this mission will be done in no time.
Novice Toji A: Th-Thank you very much! Because of Watanuki-senpai's support earlier, I think I understand my timing better...
Maki: Kazumi always does such a reliable job. Even I count on her support. So, she'd make a good role model for you.
Kazumi: ...That's more praise than I deserve. I'll do everything I can to continue meeting your expectations, Maki-sama.
Maki: You always surpass them though. Don't feel the need to force yourself. Anyway, let's move on to the next group.
Mirja: The two of you will go after the aradama as a two man unit.
Mirja: If the aradama seems to be running, in order to keep damage to the studio to a minimum, lead it to the main street where Itomi Sayaka and Shichinosato Kofuki are waiting!
Novice Toji B: ...G-Got it!
Mirja: We may have been hastily assembled, but we are a team. There's no need for you to fight by yourself. Understood?
Novice Toji D: ...Yes ma'am!
Sayaka: Mirja... What next?
Mirja: Deal with the aradama in the main street, bearing in mind that Shichinosato Kofuki may leave her position.
Sayaka: Understood.
Kofuki: The hell, you think I'm some kinda dog that'll go running off chasing the first aradama-chan I see?
Sayaka: ...Won't you?
Kofuki: Sayaka... Now you're giving me attitude too!? So long as the aradama-chan keep coming, I'm not going anywhere!
Mirja: Then I'll hold you to that, Shichinosato Kofuki!
Kofuki: --Alright, alright, here they come!
Kofuki: Aradama-chan, I love you-!
Sayaka: I'll take this one.
Kofuki: Come on; it's first come, first serve!
Sayaka: Then, I'll go first.
Novice Toji B: You know? I was disappointed, getting pulled off of Shidou-senpai's unit, but...
Novice Toji D: These girls are pretty impressive too...
Mirja: Rather than defeating them, you need to become used to fighting aradama. We're going to be herding the aradama into the main street!
Two Novice Toji: ...Understood!
Maki: Even with the unpredictable Shichinosato Kofuki under her command, Kitora Mirja is expertly directing them.
Maki: More than fighting personally, taking command seems to be her specialty.
Kazumi: Yes, I can tell she's taking care not to push those inexperienced toji too hard.
Kazumi: While their plan is primarily to herd the aradama, if the chance arises, she steps in to finish them herself.
Maki: It'll do well for getting them used to working in the field. We might get unexpectedly good results from this.
4: A Big Brawl Eliminating AradamaKazumi: That's the source of all this trouble. What an... Ominous aradama...
Kofuki: Tch... Why am I stuck with the small fry?
Mirja: There are still other aradama to be dealt with! You don't time to waste complaining.
Kofuki: I know already!
Kazumi: Maki-sama... May the battle end in our favor.
Sayaka: Kh... A little more. If this goes on, the studio will be destroyed...
Maki: Right, we have to finish it off with our next attack!! Give me a hand!
Sayaka: Understood.
Maki: --This is it for you! HAAAAAAAAH-!!
Sayaka: Look at all the koban...
Mirja: The aradama that accompanied it are fleeing! We can't allow them to escape--
Kazumi: ...That goes without saying!
Kofuki: I could handle all these myself!
Mirja: Impressive work; just as I would expect from you two.
Maki: Kitora Mirja, Itomi Sayaka, Shichinosato Kofuki. Thank you for your assistance today.
Kofuki: If you wanted to thank me, you should've let me have that big one back there.
Maki: Out of the question. You tend to toy around too much instead of finishing the job.
Kofuki: Tch... And now I don't get to have any fun.
Sayaka: ......
Mirja: Is something on your mind, Itomi Sayaka?
Sayaka: We defeated a lot of aradama today, so we got a lot of data. Tsugumi should be happy too.
Mirja: I see. I'm sure that she will be.
Studio Manager: You said you're done suppressing the aradama, but... Uh, is it really safe around here?
Maki: I understand your concern. But, this time, we've destroyed what we think was the source of the aradama. They shouldn't appear here any longer.
Studio Manager: ...Phew. Thank you very much. That'll give us some peace of mind, right, director?
Film Director: That's good to hear. Now we can finish filming that big action scene we started! I really can't thank you enough!
Maki: You don't have to thank us. We just did what we need to as toji.
Film Director: I mean it! I watched your fighting from a distance, and it was so inspiring. It'll make great reference material!
Film Director: You should take these, as a show of appreciation. Thank you. I have to get going now!
Maki: Ah... But, we can't accept...
Kazumi: ...He's already leaving.
Film Director: Now I just have to figure out what to do about that action sequence... What to do... Hmm...
Sayaka: ...Historical costumes?
Mirja: Judging by the uneven pattern on these haori, these must be Shinsengumi costumes.
Mirja: That reminds me, Asakura Mihono's okatana, Kashuu Kiyomitsu, was once carried by Okita Souji of the Shinsengumi. It might be fitting to have her wear this haori. Speaking of the Shinsengumi--
Sayaka: ...Mirja?
Kofuki: Forget her. Just let her talk to herself.
Maki: They gave them to us, but I'm not exactly sure what to do with them now.
Kofuki: There's only one thing to do: put it on, senpai. Wouldn't kill you to wear it for a while, right?
Kazumi: You're being too rude. Maki-sama deserves more of your respect...
Kofuki: I'm not changing how I talk no matter who I'm talking to. And besides, don't you wanna see senpai in that haori too?
Kazumi: Th-That's besides the...
Maki: I don't think I'll wear it after all. I'm no actor, so it'd be a bit embarrassing.
Film Director: No, I need you to wear that haori! And, would you do me the favor of appearing in my movie!?
Maki: Wh... Where is this coming from...?
Film Director: Those natural movements I saw from you, swinging your sword as you fought those aradama! That's just what I need in this movie!
Maki: But, I'm...
Film Director: I've been stuck figuring out what do do with this action scene, but I realized, the answer was right in my face!
Film Director: If I truly want to express the spirit of a warrior, my only choice is to borrow the talent of someone like you... I'm begging you, please!
Maki: I get where you're coming from. Raise your head, Mr. Director.
Film Director: So you'll be in the film!?
Maki: Oh, no, I can't act...
Film Director: Oh wow, you've saved me! I'm so lucky to have you toji around. On top of destroying the aradama, you're even lending your efforts to the film!
Maki: But, I said...
Film Director: There's nothing to worry about. We'll provide you all the support you could ask for. And anyway, that haori would look just perfect on you, I know it.
Film Director: Everyone, come on over here. This toji girl said she'd be helping us out. Ah, tell the makeup and costume artists too. Here, come with me.
Maki: Ahh...
Film Director: Alright, time to film something spectacular!
Kofuki: Kuku... Things are getting interesting 'round here.
Kazumi: ...Will Maki-sama truly be in a movie?
Several months after the mission at the movie studio, on the movie's opening day.
Yume: I can't wait to see Maki-onee-san's movie~!
Suzuka: I never thought I'd see Maki-san's debut on the silver screen.
Suzuka: Though, adjusting our schedules so the whole elite guard could be here today did give us some trouble.
Maki: Yume, Suzuka... I keep telling you, I'm not the main character or anything, remember...?
Yume: I just wanna see you show up in it, Maki-onee-san. It'll be worth seeing for sure!
Maki: Ugh... Why didn't I say no back then? I should just be happy Yukari-sama didn't come to see...
Yomi: Yukari-sama was invited to a pre-screening. She should have seen it already.
Maki: She what...?
Yume: Let's get to the movie theater already. I want some popcorn! Come on, come on! Let's go!
Suzuka: Come along, Maki-san.
Kazumi: (Maki-sama. I... I'll gladly watch this movie as often as I can!)